Self Portrait
Me & The Boys | Taken by Travis Hawley
Tiffany doing guest harmonica for Andrew at her hometown show
Self Portrait
Me & The Boys | Taken by Travis Hawley
Tiffany doing guest harmonica for Andrew at her hometown show
Photo by Shelby Reneau on my birthday
Instead of making a bunch of smaller blogs, I thought I'd just throw all of my favorites of February 2017 into one bigger blog. Feburary was filled with a lot of fun stuff, I celebrated my birthday, hosted a photo meet up & went to another in LA, and shot some photos of friends.
I'm currently sitting in Burbank looking back on an amazing day where two photo friends came to visit my original home of the Central Coast. As I look back on the photos, I remember having a lot of fun even just driving and around talking about shooting shows or goals for the future. I'll link their instagram's on their names so you guys can follow them as well. @annaleemedia & @mallorymturner. These are two genuinely great people that I feel lucky to know and I'm glad to know I have these photos to reflect on a good day.
Photo by Anna Lee Media
Photo by Mallory M Turner
After being home for the entire summer, the Night Riots full length had come out and it was finally time to tour. I couldn't be happier to be back with my brothers in the van. We started the tour with some long drives and some amazing shows. All the equipment I used was a Canon 5d Mrk II & III, Sigma 50mm Art, 24-70mm L Series, and an Incase DSLR Pro Pack.
Drive Through Utah
Chicago 1 day after the World Series
First show at The Shelter in Detroit, MI
Chicago, IL
Minneapolis, MN
Pre Show
Sold out show in NYC
Washinton DC
Photo by Richard Fusillo
My good friend Richard hit me up, less than an hour before we ended up leaving, to see if I wanted to go up to the Big Sur area for the day to see our friend David that works in Limekiln. After being at my house for about half an hour, I was already charging my camera batteries and packing to leave again. The first half of the day was spent with David showing us a small trail he likes to take that leads to a beautiful view of the ocean. While killing time for the sun to start going down, David thought of the idea to black out his room and show me how developing a film print works. Although Richard is no stranger to film and the dark room, it was really a treat for me to see someone doing this for the first time in my life. Developing film will always be something I'm interested in and would love to understand it better, so seeing him do that was definitely a pleasant surprise of the day. If you would like to see some of David's amazing work, check out his website here. The second half of the day was Richard and I trying to chase the sun to get a shot before it went down. A lot of people were on the road that day so it proved pretty difficult to find the right place but just when we thought we were going to miss it, we ended up seeing one of the most amazing sunsets. We quickly found a place to park and hop out to take some photos. On the way home, it just so happened that the moon was very small and the sky was very clear, so we got to take some shots of the milky way over the ocean. I was hoping to do some star trails but the milky was so clear that I decided just to focus on that. What began as just a day trip to Big Sur turned into a really great memory.
David (Left) Richard (Right)
Richard Fusillo